
Meet Boris!

In my last post I mentioned that I would be featuring some kitty photos in the New Year. Longtime readers may remember my beloved cat Beulah, who died in 2004. I can’t believe it’s been over eight years since she passed away; I still miss her so much.  Beulah was a wonderful cat, although she had behavioral and medical issues that made her a somewhat high-maintenance cat to own. And in addition to being a clean freak, Tom is allergic to cats. I never stopped wanting to adopt another cat after poor Beu died, but the timing just wasn’t right.

The passage of time mellows us all, even Tom, and his attitude toward another cat softened somewhat recently (aided, perhaps, by my newfound ability, after the events of the fall, to drop comments like “I could have DIED of peritonitis this fall! I don’t want to die without ever having another cat…”).

Meet Boris, my biggest and best Christmas present.


He is fluffy and smart and affectionate and wonderful. He is already sleeping on our bed at night, and hanging out by the side during the days while I work. This morning, after the alarm went off, he woke me up by gently licking my nose. I cannot express how happy I am to have a kitty in the house again. Especially this little bundle of energy and love.


Fans of Charcoal, do not despair. We thought very carefully about how to introduce a feline into a house that also has a bunneh. We wanted a young kitten, so that the bunny would clearly be bigger and stronger, and we wanted a kitten with a loving personality. Charcoal has already made clear that he is Big Bossy Bun and just one well-placed thump sends Boris dashing away.


Fans of Tom, do not despair.  He is as gah-gah as the rest of us over Boris. And he has not suffered from any significant allergy problems so far.

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks, what with the holidays, birthdays, and things like poor Elvis’s wisdom teeth removal (done this morning; he’s fine). I’m looking forward to a nice cozy week or two of snuggling with my kitteh and bunneh.

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6 thoughts on “Meet Boris!

  1. Aw, Boris is just too cute! The fluffy/adorable quotient in your house must be at an all-time high now. I hope things continue to go well between Boris and Charcoal.

    A house just doesn’t feel right to me unless there’s a cat or two around. I lasted being cat-less about a month last year before I couldn’t take it any more!

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